Old News
June 13th 2024:
Our Regional Bee Inspector, Dan Baxter,has circulated the article below on starving bees to all contacts in Wales. With the cooler temperatures and inclement weather starvation is being observed across Wales by the inspectorate and supplementary feeding may be recommended to minimise colony losses.
This presentation is intended for beekeepers at all levels but new beekeepers usually find it particularly useful.
Watch the latest Video from Anaphylaxis UK on Bee and Wasp stings.
Apiary and Brood Inspections
Three videos by Regional Bee Inspector Frank Gellatly, Gwenyn Gruffydd and Black Mountain Honey.
Frank Gellatly, Regional Bee Inspector for Wales has joined with Gwenyn Gruffydd and Black Mountain Honey to produce three useful and interesting YouTube videos. We thank Frank and both of these businesses for granting us permission to share the links to these very informative videos.
(Please note that the WBKA do not endorse any particular products or suppliers mentioned in these videos, or in any of the advertisements which appear via YouTube).
Click on the videos to view.
The Healthy Bees Plan 2030
has recently been published by DEFRA to cover Wales and England for the next 10 years.
The Plan is available below.
The Asian Hornet in the UK
The scientific journal Nature has published a detailed report on the sightings of Asian Hornets in the UK from 2016 to 2019 and the follow-up investigations. You can read it below.
Ulster BKA Webinars
Jan 2022
Members may be interested in the Ulster Beekeepers’ Association flyer of webinars starting in January 2022. Registration details are below.
Scottish BKA Webinars
2021 -2022
Here are some past webinars from the Scottish Beekeepers Association that you might find interesting.
Click on the button below.